who we are

The best metal roofing supply in long island

Metal Roof Crafters is a Long Island based company that endeavors to provide metal roofing solutions that enhance properties for homeowners, and drive profitability for contractors.

Our customers deserve no less than premier metal roofing materials at industry-leading prices, in addition to the freedom to employ our experienced in-house contractors to perform the installation itself.

We believe that every home or property stands to take advantage of the innumerable benefits derived from metal roofing such as extreme durability and longevity, coupled with eco-friendliness and energy efficiency.

This is why our mission is to make metal roofing systems the go-to option for homeowners and contractors alike, through increased affordability and profitability.

Metal Roof Crafters strives to be the trusted metal roofing resource for homeowners and contractors alike.

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Looking for the best roof?

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